Monday 8 October 2012

Tutorial: Aging Laces and Doilies

Hi lovely, Little Gussy friends!
It's taken me way too long to get this tutorial up, but I've been working on custom orders and now will start work a my new collection

But here it is: 
How to Age Laces, Doilies...and even clothes!

Yes! I use this even to age white singlets and body suits! It gives it a much nicer colour and effect than when using colour.

From This:                                                                 To This!


So first gather your things:

Although you will most likely have all the supplies ready in your pantry! (if you're a coffee or tea drinker that is :)

1. 2-3 tbsp Instant coffee or 2-3 tea bags (I would not open them up as the leaves will get all mangled in your laces and doilies)
 The amount of coffee and tea will depend on the effect you want (stronger coffee/ tea darker effect. Lighter coffee/tea lighter effect)

2. Decent sized heat proof bowl or pot or bucket
3. Water this depends on the effect you want to achieve and the quantity of things you're aging.
A good guide is: 1 cup per 1 Tbsp


Boil the water and prepare coffee tea like you would. I.e no cream and sugar please lol!
do it in a heat proof bowl, bucket, pot.
Add your laces, doilies tops etc. Make sure all Instant coffee has dissolved before adding your items!
Leave them completely covered in the substance for about an hour. I like to leave them overnight if I want a really deep colour. The less time they soak the lighter they will be. which is still nice if you just want to 'tint' them.

Pull them out after your desired time has lapsed and rinse them under the water. Make sure the water runs clear. Otherwise they will continue to stain, and may stain other fabrics later!!

Once dry iron them on low to medium (medium if fabric)

...and there you have it!

 Laces, Doilies and Tees Aged...Gracefully!

If you have any questions feel free to contact me

Have a great Monday! perhaps next time (hopefully not as long this time) I'll have something cute for boys to show off)

Much Love


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